A heartfelt thank you to Award Winning Author, Aren X. Tulchinsky, for offering a virtual writing course to Or Shalom as part of Or Shalom’s Virtual Light program during Covid-19. The course provided a wonderful opportunity to participants to connect, learn, and unleash their creative energy.
Aren X. Tulchinsky, the writer formerly known as Karen X. Tulchinsky, a graduate of the prestigious Canadian Film Centre, is an award-winning novelist, screenwriter, video editor and director. We are very blessed that Aren was willing to dedicate the time to sharing his humour, positive energy, and wealth of knowledge with us.
Some words of appreciation from the class:
“A sincere thank you to you, Or Shalom and Aren for offering this wonderful creative writing course. As I’ve shared with Aren, the weekly classes have helped so many of us feel connected, creative and grounded during this difficult time.” Nicole Nozik.
“[Aren] is a remarkable writer, but for us we were lucky to benefit from his skills as a teacher.” Martha Barker.
“Both Alan and I really enjoyed the class. Wonderful teacher. Aren u transmit so much in such a short period of time.” Warmly, Sharon and Alan.
“Thank you to Aren for the wonderful generous offerings of writing workshops during COVID. We are going to keep up the Monday and Friday writing schedule for ourselves. His teaching has been invaluable and inspiring. It was exactly what we needed as we have been wanting to get focused on this work.”
Toda Raba, Aren.
In gratitude, Deborah and Henry Ross-Grayman
“Thank you Tanya for organizing this Zoom program, Or Shalom for offering the platform and Aren for doing this. It was such a help keeping me emotionally healthy, mentally active and connected socially during this pandemic.”
Stay safe and well, creative and happy.
Reisa Smiley Schneider
“Not only is Aren a great writer*, he is also a skilled creative writing teacher. The classes were fun and encouraging. I’ve signed up for more.”
* The Five Books of Moses Lapinsky is one of my favourite books.