High Holidays Participation for Non-Members

Or Shalom welcomes visitors, friends and family to join us for High Holidays. For those who are uncomfortable with in-person events or are unable to attend, our services will all be live-streamed on YouTube, see orshalom.ca for the link.Erev Rosh Hashanah services will be held at the Or Shalom bayit. Both days of Rosh Hashanah services, Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur services will be held at the Vancouver Jewish Community Centre.

Please Join Us

Attendance at all High Holiday services is included in Or Shalom Membership. Attendance is free to visitors, however, we ask that you contribute to the cost of these services by donating to Or Shalom, online below, by cheque, or call the office at 604-872-1614 and pay by credit card.  Suggested donation per individual are: Adult $384 | Young Adult (18-24) $54 | Child $18   Or Shalom also offers a Pay What You Can option.

Or Shalom does not have reserved seating or official tickets to attend. Simply check in with the security desk when you arrive at the Jewish Community Centre.

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Find out about our LIVESTREAM options

Check out this year’s Empty Our Pockets recipients, Or Shalom’s High Holiday Tzedakah Drive.

To learn more about our full-fledged membership, please go to orshalom.ca/membership