P’sukei D’Zimera for Or Shalom

As part of his 2017 class on Intermediate Davvening, Harley Rothstein has recorded 18 of the traditional Or Shalom tunes for Shabbat P’sukei D’Zeimera. You can also find his recordings of the Shacharit Nusach and melodies on our web site.

  1. Introduction

2. Barchi Nafshi

3. Modeh Ani

4. Mah Tovu

5. Elohai Neshamah

6. Morning Blessings

7. Ashreinu

8. Psalm 30

9. Baruch She’amar

10. Psalm 19

11. Ma Ha’ish

12. Psalm 93

13. Psalm 91

14. Psalm 92 – Shabbat

15. Ashrei

16. Psalm 150 – Hal’luYah

17. Nishmat

18. Psalm 27