Tu B’Shvat 5781

This year, in celebration of Tu B’Shvat, the Jewish New Year of the Trees, we invite you to step away from screens and take a walk amongst trees. If the ground’s not too wet and you have the right clothing or a blanket, consider laying down somewhere that is forested or sitting on a log. Just sit and be. We have prepared an AUDIO PROGRAM to accompany you which you can download and take along – 15 minutes of poems and teachings to listen to out of doors, pausing after each text to drink in your surroundings. Rabbi Hannah, Alexis Kellum Creer and Martin Gotfrit hope you enjoy this beautifully wrought offering now and in time to come.
In 5781, Tu B’Shvat falls on January 28. Our tradition holds that from that day onward, Spring is springing forth!
Here’s a list of suggested locations for Forest Bathing in Vancouver and Nature Walk Ideas For Grown-Ups and Kids.
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