On Sunday April 24, over fifty Or Shalomniks came out to the Or Shalom section of MountainView cemetery at 33rd Ave and Fraser to witness the unveiling of the headstone of Bat-Ami Segal.
Bat Ami (Binki) was a true tzadeket, serving our community in endless ways with deep humility. We will remember her for her devotion to family and friends, for her good humour and sense of compassion, for her goodness, for her gentleness and thoughtfulness, for her strength of conviction, for her warmth and friendship, for her integrity and dedication, for her patience and courage under affliction and for her loyalty to the tradition of our people. May her memory continue to inspire us, giving us strength and courage to live as she would have wanted us to live.
– Rabbi Susan Shamash
“Bat-Ami was the soul of Or Shalom – her humility, her sensitivity to others, her constant work for Or Shalom in so many capacities. I am not sure that appropriate is the right word, but hers is the first burial in our cemetery. Though buried here, may her soul live on in our shul, in our community.
– John Fuerst