Keren Or Submission Guidelines.


Submission must be submitted electronically by email or on disk. Contact me if you have any problems with this and we will problem solve. Articles should be 500 words maximum and will be edited for brevity, clarity and readability. Items can be submitted as attachments if they are word documents or written into the body of the email. Send to


Here is a check list of my expectations:

·  Have I put "Keren Or" in the subject of my email?

·  Is there a phone number and /or address as well as an email address if I am naming a contact person?

·  Have I provided explanations for any Hebrew/Yiddish words, rituals, etc?

·  If I am using an acronym, have I used the full name at least once?

·  If I name an agency, or organization, have I included contact information for it?

·  Have I included my phone number ?

·  Have I included complete details of any event?  (time, place, date, costs, supplies needed etc)

·  Have I put 604 in my telephone numbers?


Thank you for your cooperation.




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