Or Shalom loves to sing, and davven (pray) together. For new people some of the tunes may be unfamiliar, and for people who want to deepen their connection with the community by leading services, this page includes resources to help learn the Or Shalom niggunim (tunes) and nusach (prayer music).
Or Shalom Prayers in the late 1980’s
Or Shalom’s founders, Rabbis Emeriti Daniel Siegel and Hanna Tiferet Siegel, recorded the original Or Shalom prayers in the late 1980’s (on cassette) accompanied by Myrna Rabinowitz, and Harley Rothstein.
Or Shalom Tape from 1985 (Side A) P’sukei D’Zimra and Havdallah
Or Shalom Tape from 1985 (Side B) Shacharit and Hallel
Excerpts from this cassette tape are also on the web site of Adath Shalom in Ottawa.
Or Shalom’s Shabbat Psukei D’Zimra & Shacharit Services
With thanks to Harley Rothstein, and recording engineer John Shepp, here are recordings of Or Shalom’s Shabbat Shacharit service made in 2005 and 2017 (on CD). These recordings are for learning in encouragement of other members to lead services. Page numbers are keyed to Siddur Sim Shalom, which is no longer the Or Shalom siddur, having been replaced with Siddur Eit Ratzon but the structure of the Shacharit service is very similar.
Harley has made available two CDs to help davveners learn the traditional Or Shalom melodies.